The Arc still reminds us that we live in the age of refugees, vagrants, and nomads, who wander through the continents and try to warm their souls by the memories of spiritual or ethical, heavenly or geographical, real or delusional home. In the performance, this home is symbolized by a huge, winged ship - a multistoried, movable stage, which represents alternating embodiments of The Noa's Arc. If only we close our eyes, it may turn into the ship of Aeneas, Mayflower, or a Cuban raft knocked together with rubber dinghies, drifting towards the shores of Florida. For the characters appearing in the show, the wanderers, it is in turns their home, where their memories come back to life, the temple, where each of them turns to their own God, or the place of celebration, dancing and joy. The ship, invigorated by the presence of the actors, shining with metal sails, flickering and changing its shape in the spotlights, moves around the audience, and finally spreads its purple wings, and thus perpetuates the image of indefatigable wanderers towards the promissed land.
The performance premiered during the Festival in Holzminden, on 11th June, 2000. In Poland, the Arc was presented for the first time in Poznań, in 2000. The show has also been presented in numerous places abroad, during the international tournées of the company, among others in Spain at the Festival of Street Theatre in Valladolid, in Scotland, England, Holland, Germany, Portugal, France, the Czech Republic, and during the Festival Internationales Cervantino in Mexican Guanajuato.